Fr. Nathan Carr is our guest today. He is the headmaster at The Academy of Classical Christian studies and vicar of St. James' Episcopal Church, both in Oklahoma City. We discuss the tensions of leadership, building wonder into a preschool program, and how to get 3 year olds to walk in line. We did our interview after a workshop he had just given at the Association of Classical & Christian Schools annual conference.
Douglas Wilson is a pastor, theologian, and proponent of Classical Education. He has authored numerous books on various subjects pertaining to matters of the Christian faith, education, and history. Visit Canon Press for a listing of many of his books or visit his blog, which he updates frequently. I spoke with Wilson last week from the Association of Classical and Christian Schools annual conference.
In our second Dialogue With Brandon we discuss the question "How Big Is Your Soul?" Are you a small-souled person? Most people wouldn't want to think so, but it's a question worth pursuing the answer to. Brandon and I discuss the thoughts of Douglas Hofstadter and his book I Am Strange Loop and I end up getting more confused and frustrated by the end then when I started. Maybe that means I'm small-souled after all.